eBay Basics

What is a Watcher on eBay? 7 Tips to Turn Them into Buyers

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When operating on eBay as a seller, you’ve probably heard the term “watcher”. So, what is a watcher on eBay? Simply put, an eBay watcher is someone who has clicked the “Add to watchlist” button on your listing.

In fact, eBay watchers are a positive sign for merchants. The number of watchers signifies that eBay users have seen the product listing and are interested in buying, although not necessarily immediately. They can also be a valuable source of data to optimize your listings and marketing efforts for better sales.

In this article, we will help you thoroughly understand eBay watchers and how to turn them into your real customers. Our article includes three main sections:

  • Difference between eBay watcher, viewer, and interested buyer
  • Are there any reasons why eBay watchers are not buying yet?
  • How to convert eBay watchers into your buyers?

Let’s dig into each of the areas now!

Difference Between eBay Wacher, Viewer, and Interested Buyer

While we’ve explained what is a watcher on eBay, it can be tricky to separate them from viewers or potential buyers. In essence, they differ in engagement level. To understand more specifically, scroll down and read!

What is the difference between watchers and viewers on eBay?

As mentioned, the difference between viewers and watchers on eBay boils down to engagement level:

  • Viewers: They might have seen it in search results, clicked on it from a category page, or even stumbled upon it through browsing. Whenever someone opens your listing, they become a viewer.
  • Watchers: Viewers who take an extra step are called watchers. As explained in the “What are watchers on eBay” section, they’ve clicked the “Add to watchlist” button on your listing. This indicates a higher level of interest compared to just a view. Watchers want to be notified of any changes to the listing, such as price drops or if someone bids on the item.

What is the difference between an interested buyer and a watcher on eBay?

An interested buyer shows more intent than a watcher on eBay, although eBay itself doesn’t clearly differentiate between the two. EBay doesn’t officially define interested buyer, but it generally refers to someone who has shown more engagement than just watching. 

Here are some clues:

  • Viewing a listing many time: A viewer who has looked at your listing multiple times suggests a higher level of interest compared to a single glance.
  • Adding to cart: Someone who adds your item to their cart is actively considering a purchase, but hasn’t necessarily committed yet.
  • Asking questions: A potential buyer may engage with you through the Q&A section. In many cases, this indicates genuine interest and a desire to learn more before buying.

Unfortunately, there’s no guaranteed way to identify an interested buyer on eBay. However, the behaviors listed above can be clues to watch for.

Any Reasons for eBay Watchers Not Buying Yet?

While it may be frustrating for sellers to see a high number of watchers without any conversions, there are several reasons why watchers may not be buying yet. In this article, we will explore some common reasons why eBay watchers may hesitate to make a purchase. These reasons are divided into two groups:

  • Subjective reasons (From the watcher’s perspective)
  • Objective reasons (From the seller’s perspective)

Subjective reasons

While you know what a watcher is on eBay, their specific reasons for not buying remain unclear. These reasons can include. These reasons include: 

  • Lack of urgency: Watchers on eBay could be browsing for similar options, waiting for a specific event to use the item, or simply keeping it in mind for a future need. For instance, someone who watches a winter coat in July might be genuinely interested but won’t prioritize buying it until the weather changes.
  • Researching options: eBay watchers might be comparing your item to similar offerings on eBay, other online retailers, or even brick-and-mortar stores.  This research phase allows them to assess factors like price, condition, shipping costs, seller reputation, and alternative features.
  • Interest but no intention to buy: eBay watchers might be interested in the type of item you’re selling but haven’t fully committed to buying one yet.  For example, someone who watches a vintage camera collection might be fascinated by photography but not necessarily looking to buy one at the moment.
  • Overwhelmed with watched items: With so many options, eBay watchers might struggle to prioritize purchases or forget about specific items buried deeper in the list. This can lead to watchers missing out on deals or forgetting about their initial interest.
  • Financial constraints: Their current budget might not allow for the purchase. This could be due to unexpected expenses, saving for a larger goal, or simply waiting for payday. At this point, you can send an offer to watchers to encourage them to buy (Learn more at How to send offer on eBay to buyers).

Objective reasons

While you can’t control the personal circumstances of watchers on eBay, some aspects of your listing can influence their decision. Here’s how your presentation might be impacting viewer confidence:

  • Listing clarity: A clear and concise listing is crucial for building trust with potential buyers. Unclear descriptions, blurry photos, or lack of information about the item’s condition or functionality can create hesitation. People who watch items on eBay might be unsure about the true quality or value of your offering, leading them to hold back on the purchase.
  • Seller reputation: A low seller rating or negative reviews can be a major red flag for watchers, especially for high-value items. A strong seller reputation built on positive feedback and past transactions instills trust in the buyer. Watchers on eBay are unsure about your reliability as a seller and might be less likely to commit.
  • Shipping cost: High shipping costs can be a major dealbreaker for eBay watchers, especially for lower-priced items. Unexpectedly high shipping fees can push the total cost beyond their willingness to pay. Understanding shipping costs upfront allows watchers to make informed decisions about their purchases.

How To Convert eBay Watchers into Your Buyers?

While eBay watchers indicate that potential customers are interested in what you’re selling but haven’t quite committed to a purchase. However, they also represent missed opportunities unless you can nudge them toward that final “Buy” button. 

This section explores various strategies to convert those watchers into loyal eBay buyers, including: 

  • Check your competitors
  • Lower or raise the price
  • Make a direct offer
  • Give them “Or Best Offer” option
  • Provide a deal
  • Optimize product listing
  • Reduce item availability

1. Check your competitors

Getting to know what is a watcher on eBay is not enough for you to turn them into your customers, you need to understand your competitors as well. Because your watcher will probably compare you and your opponent to see who is superior.

By analyzing your competitors, you can identify areas for improvement in your own listing.  You should look for similar items on eBay and examine their listings. Here’s what you should pay attention to:

  • Pricing: Are your competitors offering a similar item at a lower price point? Are their prices significantly higher, suggesting a potential gap in the market for a premium offering?
  • Listing quality: How do their descriptions and photos compare to yours? Are theirs more detailed, engaging, and informative?
  • Shipping costs: Do your competitors offer free shipping, or are their shipping costs more transparent and potentially lower than yours?
  • Seller reputation: Do they have a higher seller rating with more positive reviews?

Once you have an overall assessment of your competitor, you can proceed to enhance aspects of your store accordingly. If their prices are consistently lower, it is an excellent idea to consider adjusting your pricing strategy. If their listings are more visually appealing and informative, you can invest more time crafting compelling descriptions and high-quality photos.

2. Lower or raise the price

Are we mentioned in the article How to increase eBay sales, pricing is a powerful tool to influence buying decisions. Here are two main approaches to pricing that can impact eBay watchers behavior:

  • Lowering the price: A strategic price reduction can entice watchers on the fence. However, it is important to avoid excessive discounting that might devalue your item. To test the waters, you can consider a small percentage decrease (around 5%). Remember, eBay automatically notifies watchers about price drops, so this can reignite their interest (but only for fixed pricing listing; auction listing has no notification).
  • Raising the price (Psychological pricing): This might seem counterintuitive, but hear us out. Strategic price increases can create an air of exclusivity or perceived value.This approach works best for unique or high-quality items. Also, it may be most effective with high-quality listings that justify the perceived value (We will mention how to make a high-quality listing later on strategy 6).

3. Make a direct offer

For fixed-price listings, eBay allows you to send targeted offers directly to watchers. This is a powerful tool to personalize your approach and potentially close the deal with eBay watchers. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Craft a compelling offer: Don’t just offer a generic discount. For watchers observing the listing for a more extended period, you might offer a slightly steeper discount to incentivize a purchase.
  • Set a time limit: Create a sense of urgency by attaching a time limit to your offer. This can motivate watchers who might be on the fence to decide before the offer expires.

In addition, when offering directly, there are some following notes:

  • You can send offers up to 10 watchers at a time with that new price offer.
  • The offer you send is binding and cannot be withdrawn, so you need to prepare carefully for whatever price you suggest. Watchers have 48 hours to consider your offer. If nobody accepts, and you have more than 10 watchers on your list, you can send out a new offer to any remaining watchers who haven’t been contacted yet.

4. Give them “Or Best Offer” option

The “Or Best Offer” option allows eBay watchers, and any other interested buyer, to propose a price they’re willing to pay. This can be a good strategy for items where the market value might be less clear-cut. Once buyers make you an offer, you have 48 hours to accept, decline or respond with a counteroffer.

Here are some best offer tips to convert your eBay watcher into buyer:

  • Be prepared to negotiate: Enabling the “Or Best Offer” option means you’ll likely receive offers below your listed price. So, be prepared to negotiate, but don’t undervalue your item. You should set a minimum acceptable price in your mind and counter-offer accordingly.
  • Manage expectations: You need to clearly communicate your counter-offer strategy to avoid potentially frustrating buyers. For example, state that you’re open to reasonable offers but emphasize your bottom line.
  • Respond promptly: When a watcher submits an offer, you should respond promptly to show your engagement and willingness to negotiate.

5. Provide a deal

Offering promotions or creating attractive bundles can be a great way to incentivize watchers on eBay who might be price-conscious. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Limited-time sales: Create a sense of urgency by offering a discounted price for a limited period. Highlight the sale duration in your listing and utilize eye-catching visuals to grab attention.
  • Bundle deals: If applicable, consider offering bundle deals by pairing your item with complementary products at a discounted price. This can entice watchers who might be interested in purchasing additional items.
  • Free shipping promotion: Free shipping can be a major motivator for watchers, especially for heavier or bulkier items. You need to evaluate your margins and consider offering free shipping to increase overall appeal.

6. Optimize product listing

Your listing is your storefront on eBay.  The quality of your presentation can significantly impact eBay watches decisions.

Here’s how to optimize your listing to grab attention and convert watchers:

  • High-quality photos: You need to replace blurry or low-resolution photos with clear, well-lit images from multiple angles. Moreover, it it important to showcase the item’s condition, functionality, and unique features in detail.
  • Detailed descriptions: Don’t skimp on the description. It is vital to provide a comprehensive overview of the item, including its condition, size, material, brand (if applicable), and any relevant details. You should use clear and concise language, and consider bullet points for key features.
  • Keywords and search optimization: Research relevant keywords that potential buyers might use to find similar items. Integrate those keywords naturally into your title and description to improve search ranking on eBay.
  • Mobile-friendly presentation: With a growing number of mobile shoppers, ensuring your listing displays well on smartphones and tablets is neccessary. This means using clear fonts, responsive layout, and high-quality images that adjust to smaller screens.

7. Reduce item availability

Sometimes, creating a sense of scarcity can motivate eBay watchers to act before it’s too late.  Here are a few strategies to consider:

  • Limited stock: If you have a limited quantity of the item available, highlight that fact in your listing. This creates a sense of urgency and encourages watchers to purchase before they miss out.
  • Ending soon: For auction-style listings, you need to emphasize the remaining time until the auction ends. This can motivate watchers who are interested in the item to submit a bid before the opportunity disappears.
  • Relisted item: If you’re relisting an item that hasn’t sold previously, you can mention the number of previous watchers. This can pique interest and suggest its potential value to new watchers.

We note that managing item availability when you only sell on eBay is simple. But if you’re multichannel selling, it can be very complicated. At this point, you need eBay integration, part of our marketplace integration system. This is definitely a tool to help make your multi-platform business simpler than ever.

What is a Watcher on eBay: FAQs

  • Can you see who the watcher is on eBay?

    No, you cannot identify who is your watcher because it will violate the eBay privacy policy

    However, eBay gives sellers the opportunity to send offers without knowing who the offer is going to. If the buyer takes advantage of the offer, then the seller finds out identifying information.

  • Do watchers on eBay usually bid?

    Watchers on eBay don’t necessarily translate into bidders. There are a few reasons why someone might watch an item without bidding:

    • General interest: They might be curious about the item but not fully committed to buying it.
    • Price monitoring: They might be watching to see if the price goes down before the auction ends.
    • Comparison shopping: They might be watching similar items to compare prices and features.
    • Competition purposes: In rare cases, other sellers might watch listings to see what similar items are selling for.
  • How to see how many people are watching an item on eBay?

    To see how many people are watching an item on eBay, follow these steps:

    1. Go to the eBay website and log into your account using any browser.
    2. Select a category you want to shop in or search for a specific item using the search bar.
    3. Click on the item you’re interested in, and it will redirect you to a new page with more information about the product.
    4. Among the details provided, such as the number of available items, you’ll also see how many other people are watching that item. For example, right under the price, you might see something like “10 watchers,” indicating that there are 10 other people currently interested in the same item.

Understand Your eBay Watchers to Make Sales!

Having watchers on your eBay listing is a promising sign, but it doesn’t guarantee sales. So, you need to go further than just understanding what is a watcher on eBay. It is important to understand why watchers hesitate you can craft winning strategies. Remember, a little effort in understanding your audience can lead to a big boost in your sales!

Furthermore, if you are interested in LitCommerce integration tools, contact us to know more information.

Last but not least, stay ahead in the industry by exploring my Retail Blog, where you can discover the latest trends and invaluable strategies for enhancing your eCommerce business. Happy selling! 

This post was last modified on Aug 2024 3:37 am

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