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eRank vs EtsyHunt: Which is The Best SEO Tool for Etsy Seller?

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When looking for tools to help optimize your shop for Etsy search, you may have come across Erank and Etsyhunt. These are two highly-rated tools with the ability to improve your shop’s ranking and sales. So, between eRank vs Etsyhunt, which is the better choice for you? Here is our brief: 

  • eRank offers keyword research to identify what customers are searching for on Etsy. This allows sellers to optimize their listings with the right keywords, driving more traffic to their shop. Additionally, eRank provides competitor tracking, letting sellers see what keywords their competitors use and how their shops are performing.
  • EtsyHunt, as one of the biggest eRank competitors, also helps with keyword research, but it takes a slightly different approach. This Etsy keyword tool allows sellers to analyze best-selling products and shops to see which keywords are driving success for others.

Still looking for more details? Keep scrolling and discover:

  • eRank vs EtsyHunt: Quick assessment
  • eRank vs EtsyHunt comparison (Pricing plan, key features, integration, training, and support)
  • How other Etsy sellers view eRank vs Etsyhunt?

Now, without making you wait any longer, let’s dig into the comparison article right away!

eRank vs EtsyHunt: Quick Assessment

At first glance, eRank and EtsyHunt are both helpful tools for Etsy sellers looking to boost their shop’s visibility and sales. They achieve this by focusing on Etsy’s search engine optimization (SEO). So, in other words, eRank and EtsyHunt are considered as best Etsy SEO tools.

Below is a general comparison table between Etsyhunt vs eRank: 




Core focus

• SEO & Listing optimization

• Product research & shop management

Price (Basic Plan)

• $5.99/month

• $3.99/month

Price (Pro Plan)

• $9.99/month

• $19.99/month

Team accounts

• No

• Yes (up to 4 users)

Keyword research

• Strong - in-depth analysis, top listing insights

• BasicBasic - keyword search

Listing optimization

• Limited (indirect through SEO tools)

• Built-in automation for suggestions (higher tiers)

Competitor tracking

• Yes (varies by plan)

• No (indirect insights through Shop Analysis)

Shop management

• Limited

• Extensive filtering, product insights, top sellers & trending items

Background editing

• No

• Limited background editing (higher tiers)


• Limited (CSV export)

• Direct integration with Etsy

Training & support

• Help articles, tutorials, email support

• Help articles, tutorials, email support

eRank vs EtsyHunt Comparison: 4 Key Aspects

In this section, we will break down the general comparison table above into 4 main aspects:

  • Pricing plan
  • Key features
  • Integration
  • Training and support

Our goal is to provide a comprehensive comparison of eRank vs Etsyhunt so that you can find the ideal option for your needs.

1. Pricing plan

1. Erank

First of all, take a glance on the pricing structure of eRank:



Basic ($5.99/mo)

Pro ($9.99/mo)

Expert ($29.99/mo)

Shops connectable

Up to 2

Up to 5

Up to 10

Up to 100

Keyword lookups per day





Listing audits per day





Rank checker lookups per day

Up to 10

Up to 10

Up to 50


Competitor shops trackable

Up to 5

Up to 5

Up to 50

Up to 200

Keyword lists creatable





Active listings analyzed





Keyword explorer lookups

Up to 5

Up to 25

Up to 200

Up to 500

Bulk keyword tool groups

Up to 25

Up to 25

Up to 50

Up to 100

Search terms monitored

Up to 5

Up to 5

Up to 20

Up to 20

Traffic stats keywords tracked





Top sellers viewable per day

Up to 200

Up to 300

Up to 1,000

Up to 1,000

Listing change tracking

Up to 1

Up to 5

Up to 20

Up to 50

Competitor sales trend data (Months)

Not Available

Not Available



2. Etsyhunt

Are you wondering if “Etsyhunt is free” Absolutely, yes? But, this tool is also paid options with additional features. Let’s see  the pricing structure of Etsyhunt as follows:












1 Seat

1 Seat

1 Seat

5 Seats

(1 admin, 4 members)

Product search

10 Daily




Product chart data entries





Shop search

10 Daily




Shop chart data entries





Shop analysis





Keyword search

10 daily

100 daily

200 daily

Team share: 1200 daily

Batch keyword analysis

Trial only

Trial only

50 daily/user

50 daily/user


Up to 100

Up to 1000

Up to 2500


Up to 2500, Team: 12500


5 daily

10 daily



Shops connectable

1 Shop

1 Shop

10 Shops

10 Shops

Listing optimization

50 daily

100 daily

100 daily/ shop

100 daily/ shop

Follow-up reminders

150 daily

500 daily

500 daily/ shop

500 daily/ shop

Amazon Handmade

Not supported

Not supported



Inactive products & shops

Not supported

Not supported



Data tracking

Not supported

Not supported



From the two detailed price lists above, we can clearly see the difference in price between eRank vs Etsyhunt. So, which pricing plan will be suitable for you? Let’s see our general review below! 


✅ If you’re a new seller or have a single shop with a limited budget,  EtsyHunt’s Basic plan ($3.99/month) might be a better starting point compared to EtsyHunt’s Basic plan ($3.99/month). It offers more features than EtsyHunt’s Basic plan, such as competitor tracking and listing audits.

✅ If you’re a growing shop with a larger product offering and need advanced features but don’t require team collaboration, eRank’s Pro plan ($9.99/month) could be more affordable than EtsyHunt’s Pro plan ($19.99/month) while offering similar features.

✅ Meanwhile, if you’re a multi-shop seller or established business with a team, EtsyHunt’s Pro plan ($19.99/month) might be more cost-effective than eRank’s most expensive plan (Expert – $29.99/month).

2. Key features

eRank vs EtsyHunt, each of them offers distinct functionalities to optimize your shop and listings. This in-depth comparison delves into their key features:

2.1. Keyword research

eRank keyword tool offer include:

  • Keyword explorer & keyword tool: Discover high-volume, low-competition keywords relevant to your products.
  • Top 100 listing analysis: Analyze the top listings for your chosen keywords to understand competitor strategies, popular tags, pricing, and more.
  • Bulk keyword tool: Research a large group of keywords simultaneously.

EtsyHunt, on the other hand, just offers a basic keyword search function. Yet it still comes with auto-suggested search terms, trending searches, and search analytics.

Verdict: You should choose eRank for in-depth research and EtsyHunt for a simpler approach.

2.2. Listing optimization

  • eRank:

In fact, eRank doesn’t directly offer listing optimization features. However, its keyword research and competitor analysis tools provide valuable insights for optimizing your listings for relevant keywords. The platform also provides a “Listing Grade” and suggestions features to help you improve based on SEO best practices.

  • Etsyhunt:

Meanwhile, one of the best eRank competitors, EtsyHunt, has a built-in automation feature for listing optimization. This feature refers to “ListingOptimize” which offers suggestions to optimize key elements such as product descriptions, titles, and tags.

Verdict: When comparing eRank vs Etsyhunt in terms of listing optimization, EtsyHunt is the winner.

2.3. Competitor tracking

  • eRank:

It allows you to track competitor shops, with limitations varying by plan. The Expert plan offers a unique advantage: competitor sales trend data. This provides a valuable historical perspective on competitor performance.

  • Etsyhunt:

Conversely, EtsyHunt doesn’t have a good competitor tracking feature. However, its Shop Analysis tool can help you understand competitor strategies. This tool allows you to analyze any Etsy shop’s data and view all their product listings. 

For example, you can enter a shop’s name or URL to analyze its shop situation. When you find a shop that interests you, you can click on it to view its detailed data, such as Shop rating, sales, favorites, reviews, and average price.

Verdict: It’s a tough call to determine the superior competitor tracking tool between eRank vs Etsyhunt.

2.4. Shop management

  • eRank:

Due to its SEO focus, its shop management capabilities are limited. It has 2 calculators, an ROI calculator and a profit calculator, that can help you with costing and pricing.

  • EtsyHunt:

It offers a wider range of shop management features like:

  • Shop search: Find relevant shops for inspiration or competitive analysis.
  • Shop analysis: Gain insights into competitor strategies for similar products.
  • Limited automation: Automate some tasks like listing optimization suggestions and follow-up reminders (higher tiers).

Verdict: There is no doubt that Etsyhunt is clearly superior to eRank in terms of shop management.

2.5. Product research

  • eRank: It doesn’t include tools specifically designed for product research.
  • Etsyhunt: On the flip side, EtsyHunt excels in product research with multiple outstanding features like:
    • Extensive filtering & sorting: Search for products using filters like category, price, estimated sales, rating, and more.
    • Detailed product insights: View product details, historical sales activity, and pricing trends over time.
    • Top sellers & best-selling tems: Discover trending products and learn from top sellers for inspiration.

Verdict: Regarding product research, the battle between eRank vs Etsyhunt is unequal. Etsyhunt is completely the winner.

2.6. Team accounts and data tracking

eRank currently doesn’t offer team accounts. It also does not allow multiple people to use the same account. Meanwhile, EtsyHunt boasts a “Team” plan with multiple user seats (up to 4), facilitating collaboration for larger teams.

Moreover, eRank keyword tool doesn’t directly offer data tracking features, although some SEO tools provide insights on shop performance. EtsyHunt offers data tracking support in higher tiers.

Verdict: EtsyHunt seems to have a competitive advantage over Erank for team accounts and data tracking.

Verdict for eRank vs Etsyhunt comparison in terms of features

✅ At its core, eRank centers around SEO and listing optimization. It empowers sellers to research high-performing keywords, analyze competitor listings, and receive suggestions to improve their own listings for better search visibility. 

✅ EtsyHunt, on the other hand, prioritizes product research and shop management. It allows sellers to delve into existing Etsy products, analyze trends, and glean insights from top sellers. 

3. Integration

Both eRank and EtsyHunt offer some level of integration, but they differ in scope and functionality. Here’s a breakdown of the difference between eRank vs Etsyhunt in terms of integration aspect. 

  • eRank
    • Limited integrations: eRank primarily functions as a standalone tool. It currently doesn’t offer direct integrations with Etsy or other platforms.
    • Data export: You can potentially export data from eRank (keywords, listing audits) as CSV files for use in other platforms, but this requires manual importing.
  • EtsyHunt
    • Etsy integration: EtsyHunt integrates directly with Etsy, allowing you to connect your Etsy shop and access shop data within the platform.
    • Limited third-party integrations: Currently, EtsyHunt doesn’t offer integrations with other popular marketing or design tools.

Verdict: If you prioritize the direct connection to your Etsy shop, EtsyHunt is the better option. If you’re comfortable with manual data management, eRank might still be a viable choice, depending on your other needs.

4. Training and support

Training materials and support are very important when using any tool. Without this, getting used to the tools can take a lot of time. That’s why we compare training and support ability between eRank vs Etsyhunt as a critical factor for you to decide which tool to use.

  • eRank
    • Training resources: eRank offers a library of help articles, tutorials, and webinars on various SEO and listing optimization topics. It also provides video tutorials specifically demonstrating how to use the eRank platform and its features. Moreover, a knowledge base with FAQs and troubleshooting guides is included.
    • Support: This tool offers email support for all users, with response times varying based on plan. However, it lacks live chat or phone support options.
  • EtsyHunt
    • Training resources: EtsyHunt provides a collection of help documents and articles explaining its features and functionalities. It also offers video tutorials showcasing how to use the platform’s various tools. Moreover, EtsyHun has a library of blog posts with tips and strategies for Etsy sellers.
    • Support: This tool has email support for all users. But, similar to eRank, EtsyHunt currently lacks live chat or phone support options.

Verdict: Both eRank and EtsyHunt offer similar levels of training resources, primarily consisting of help articles, tutorials, and video demonstrations. Neither platform provides in-depth training courses or certifications. Both offer email support as the primary channel for support.

How Other Etsy Sellers View eRank vs Etsyhunt?

When it comes to the comparison between eRank vs Etsyhunt, do you wonder how users rate these two tools? Different Etsy sellers have shared their opinions based on their experiences. Let’s take a look at what some of them have said about eRank vs Etsyhunt:

About eRank

  • According to a Reddit user named Wartortlechortle, they consider eRank an okay tool. However, he mentioned that he ignored most of the ranking and A, B, C letter grade scores provided by eRank. He also pointed out that eRank has employees who run YouTube channels solely to promote the tool, which left a negative impression on him. Additionally, he appreciated the competitor tool on eRank, which allows them to see when others in his niche are experiencing a dip in sales. This helps him feel better when they are not alone in a slow sales week. He views eRank as a tool worth using for its free tier, but he doesn’t believe it’s worth the monthly subscription.
  • Another Reddit user named Bezweiser mentioned that eRank is helpful, but he finds it inaccurate when determining the ranking of his products for specific keywords. However, he does recommend eRank for finding different keywords to use.

About EtsyHunt

  • A user named Malary S. shared his experience with eRank on Capterra. He stated that eRank benefited his shop personally by improving his listings through SEO functions and increasing his overall visibility. He recommends trying the free trial first to see if it works for others. Malary S. found eRank easy to use and appreciated its simplicity. However, he mentioned that there is room for improvement in the tool’s ranking capabilities.
  • A verified reviewer on Capterra mentioned that his overall experience with eRank was smooth and that the features were easy to understand. He liked how eRank helped him improve his Etsy shop’s ranking and increase its visibility in the market. He found features like product and keyword research useful for daily shop improvement. However, he mentioned that some of the dashboards in eRank can be overwhelming with information, leading to confusion and extra time spent categorizing the data. They suggested that dividing the analysis into different layers and allowing customization of visibility would be helpful.

Overall, Etsy sellers’ opinions regarding eRank vs Etsyhunt vary. Some find eRank to be an okay tool with certain limitations, while others appreciate its benefits in terms of SEO, visibility, and research capabilities.

Note: The above comments have been rephrased, and some unrelated content has been omitted to ensure brevity, ease of reading, and understanding.

Etsyhunt vs Erank: Which is the Best for You?

Before finding out between eRank vs Etsyhunt, which is the most optimal choice, let’s take a look at some of the strengths and weaknesses of these two platforms.





✅ Free plan with some features

✅ Affordable basic and pro plans

✅ In-depth competitor analysis (Expert plan)

✅ Easy to understand features (according to some users)

✅ Direct integration with Etsy

✅ Team accounts (higher tiers)

✅ Background editing (limited, higher tiers)


❌ Limited listing optimization tools directly

❌ Less user-friendly integration (CSV export)

❌ Lacks live chat or phone support

❌ Ranking scores may not be accurate (according to some users)

❌ Dashboards can be overwhelming (according to some users)

❌ Basic keyword research

❌ No dedicated competitor tracking

❌ Limited integration with other platforms

❌ Lacks live chat or phone support

In a nutshell, you should consider eRank if:

  • You’re a new seller or have a limited budget. (eRank’s basic plan is cheaper)
  • Keyword research and competitor analysis are your top priorities. (eRank offers in-depth tools)
  • You want to track competitor sales trends (Expert plan only)
  • You don’t need a direct connection to your Etsy shop and are comfortable with exporting data (CSV).

And, EtsyHunt will be your better choice if: 

  • Product research and shop management are your main focus. (EtsyHunt offers extensive tools)
  • You’re an established business or have multiple shops and need team accounts. (Team plan is cost-effective)
  • You value a direct and user-friendly connection to your Etsy shop.
  • You want basic listing optimization automation and background editing for product images. (higher tiers)

Erank vs EtsyHunt: FAQs

  • Between eRank vs Etsyhunt, which one offers more features for optimizing my Etsy shop?

    For Etsy shop optimization, it depends on your focus. eRank excels in SEO with in-depth keyword research and competitor analysis. EtsyHunt shines in product research with trend discovery and shop analysis. If SEO is your priority, choose eRank. If product research and shop management are key, go for EtsyHunt.

  • Is eRank useful for Etsy?

    Yes, eRank can be useful for Etsy sellers who want to improve their SEO. It helps with keyword research, competitor analysis, and listing optimization suggestions. This can lead to better search visibility and potentially more sales. However, it lacks direct listing optimization tools and Etsy shop integration.

  • What are the benefits of eRank?

    eRank empowers Etsy sellers to conquer SEO. It helps to:

    • Discover high-traffic keywords and analyze competitor strategies.
    • Optimize listings for better search ranking, potentially leading to more sales.
    • Affordable plans make it a good fit for new sellers and growing shops.

    However, keep in mind it has limited direct listing optimization tools and doesn’t directly integrate with your Etsy shop.

  • How does EtsyHunt work?

    EtsyHunt acts like a scout for your Etsy shop. It helps you discover hot products and analyze competitor strategies. You can find trending items, see sales estimates, and even automate some listing tasks. Plus, it integrates directly with Etsy for a smooth workflow. However, EtsyHunt focuses more on product research and shop management, and its keyword research is basic.

  • Is eRank worth it?

    eRank can be a helpful tool for Etsy sellers, especially for keyword research and listing optimization. It offers a free trial, and paid plans start at a low price.

    Here’s the key question: are you comfortable with basic SEO (search engine optimization) practices?  If not, eRank’s insights can be valuable. But if you’re already familiar with Etsy SEO, you might find some of the features redundant.

Erank or EtsyHunt – Have You Decided The Winner?

In the fierce battle between Erank vs EtsyHunt, a clear winner depends on your needs

  • If you focus on boosting SEO efforts, eRank is quite ideal with its affordable price.
  • If you want a tool that supports product research, EtsyHunt is definitely a more suitable choice.

Erank and EtsyHunt are great Etsy SEO tools to boost your product visibility, but it’s not the only way. Another good way is to have your presence appear on multiple channels. And, to do this effectively, try LitCommerce, one of the leading eCommerce business management tools? Contact us today for valuable advice.

Finally, let’s follow our Retail Blog, where you can find industry trends and winning strategies. Happy selling! 

This post was last modified on Aug 2024 8:04 am

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