eBay Shipping & Fulfillment

How Long Do eBay Sellers Have to Ship – A Guide for Shipping

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As an eBay seller, you may already know how to ship on eBay but may not know how long do eBay sellers have to ship. This is crucial, especially for new sellers, as shipping and delivery significantly affect the customer experience. Understanding eBay’s shipping policies is essential for receiving positive feedback. 

In general, you have up to 30 days to ship orders on eBay. However, due to handling time, buyers can expect to receive their items within 35 days. Then what happens if you cannot ship products within that time frame? Keep reading to learn more details about:

  • How long do eBay sellers have to ship?
  • What happens if the seller never ships item?
  • Why does it take so long for a seller to ship on eBay
  • Best practices for sellers involving handling and shipping

How Long Do eBay Sellers Have to Ship?

How long do eBay sellers have to ship an item? According to eBay, sellers have up to 30 days to prepare and ship an order after the buyer has paid for it. However, sellers can choose their own handling time, which can range from one day to 30 days. The handling time is different from the shipping time, which can take 2–5 days, depending on the shipping address. In total, buyers can expect to receive their item within a maximum of 35 days.

What Happens if Seller Never Ships Item?

If an eBay seller fails to ship an item promptly, eBay will penalize the seller with a “Late Shipment” mark. Accumulating too many of these marks may result in penalties from eBay, such as higher fees or reduced visibility for the seller’s listings.

Are you curious about how fees for shipping are calculated? Check this detailed guide on eBay shipping fees to learn more.

Plus, late shipments can harm your seller rating. Negative feedback from delayed shipments can lower your seller rating. That can affect your listing’s visibility in search results as eBay prioritizes customer satisfaction. A low seller rating means your listings rank lower, and potential buyers may choose other sellers. Hence, you can see timely shipping is crucial for maximizing eBay sales. Accurately listing handling and shipping times is essential for maintaining credibility.

However, no penalties are imposed if the delay is due to sellers not offering the shipping service according to eBay seller protection. In such cases, if the item has not arrived and passed the expected delivery date as stated in eBay’s guidelines, buyers can file an “Item Not Received” claim with eBay to request a refund.

Why Does it Take So Long for a Seller to Ship on eBay?

You know how long do sellers have to ship on eBay, but when you sell on eBay, there’s always a case of late shipping due to several factors. While some can control some of these factors and work to improve shipping times, other delays may be beyond their control. Keep reading to learn what issues you can avoid to ensure smooth shipping to your customers. 

1. On weekends

Most eBay sellers, particularly small business owners who handle order fulfillment themselves, do not process orders during the weekend. As a result, buyers who place orders on Fridays or Saturdays can expect a slight delay in order fulfillment and shipping.

2. On Holidays

Besides weekends, holidays can delay handling times for eBay sellers since they are not considered business days. Many sellers cannot fulfill orders until the next business day after a holiday. Holidays can vary depending on the seller’s location. A holiday in the seller’s country may not coincide with the buyer’s location, leading to potential misunderstandings about shipping times.

To manage this, sellers should:

  • Add their location to their listings so buyers are aware of any potential differences.
  • Adjust the handling time to account for these delays.
  • Activate Time Away features to let buyers know you are not active for a certain time.

3. Production issues

Sometimes, the item a buyer purchases may not be available due to production issues. These problems can occur because of internal issues at the production or manufacturing facility. For example, manufacturers might need to halt production temporarily due to technical difficulties. 

In this situation, the seller should:

  • Clearly communicate any potential delays in your listings during the checkout process.
  • Give buyers options, such as placing a backorder, selecting a different product, or receiving a refund.

That will ensure customers know you are actively addressing the situation and how long do sellers on eBay have to ship their products. 

4. Backorders

Some eBay buyers may face shipping delays if the item they ordered is on backorder, meaning the seller has no units in stock. Sometimes, the seller might forget to update the eBay listing to show the item as out of stock. As a result, buyers may place orders thinking the item is available and ready to ship.

This oversight can lead to long delays, depending on how quickly the seller can restock the item. To avoid this, sellers should keep their inventory and stock levels updated on their listings. This prevents situations where a customer orders an item and finds out ten days later that it’s out of stock. 

5. Carrier-related issues

Delivery companies, or “carriers,” might encounter problems that can delay order shipping. These delays could be due to unexpectedly high shipping volumes, shipping globally or any other logistics issues. However, these companies are usually efficient at resolving such problems, so the shipping process is typically delayed by only 1 or 2 business days.

To handle this issue, the seller should:

  • Track all shipments and proactively address any issues with the carrier immediately. If a delay occurs, notify the buyer promptly and provide an updated delivery estimate.
  • Inform buyers about potential shipping delays as soon as they occur.

If you are selling globally and struggling with shipping, consider joining eBay global shipping program. Click the link to learn more.

6. Lack of equipment or resources

Shipping delays can sometimes happen due to issues at the seller’s location or with the shipping company. These problems might include poor planning, insufficient shipping staff, or equipment failures. These issues are less likely to occur if the eBay seller has dependable shipping processes and partners with reputable shipping companies with extensive experience.

Best Practices for Seller Involving Handling and Shipping

You already know the answer for how long do eBay sellers have to ship, then how can you ensure you can manage to ship on time? There are certain practices sellers should follow to ensure consistent shipping times and comply with eBay’s shipping policy. This will help them avoid shipping delays and the resulting cancellations.

1. Use a listing tool

eBay sellers struggling to fulfill orders on time can benefit from using listing tools. Many of these tools are available online, both free and paid.

Listing tools offer helpful features, such as listing templates that notify sellers when a deadline is near. They also often include a calendar view that gives a comprehensive overview of each order and its deadline. These features help sellers stay informed and organized.

If you sell on multiple channels and struggle with shipping, the LitCommerce tool is perfect for you. It helps with listing products, tracking inventory, and updating shipping status across different platforms. Click the button to learn how to use it!

2. Organize your stocks

Order delays can happen if an item a buyer purchased isn’t in stock. Sellers can prevent this by organizing their inventory and ensuring it matches their eBay listings.

Good stocking practices include:

  • Regularly checking your shelves;
  • Sorting items into categories for easier location;
  • Stocking popular items according to seasonal demand;
  • Using an inventory management system;
  • These practices help sellers save time and reduce stress when fulfilling large orders.

3. Pre-package fast-moving products

eBay sellers can optimize their shipping process by pre-packaging or bulk-packaging high-selling items, particularly during peak seasons. This approach effectively minimizes handling times for popular items.

4. Ship as soon as you can

Sellers should prioritize fulfilling orders promptly and avoid delaying until the last minute. By fulfilling orders in a timely manner, sellers have the opportunity to handle any unforeseen issues that may arise before the due date

These unexpected problems could include inventory discrepancies, packaging errors, or technical difficulties with shipping systems. If such issues occur, they can lead to delays that exceed the shipping deadline set by eBay or agreed upon with the buyer. This can result in negative feedback, low seller ratings, and even requests for order cancellations or refunds. In the long run, it can harm the seller’s credibility and impact their future sales.

5. Familiarize yourself with your carriers

Sellers should understand the processing and shipping times of the chosen shipping company or fulfillment center and modify the handling and shipping times on their eBay listings accordingly.

Plus, collaborating closely with carriers can help sellers ensure smooth and timely delivery of items to buyers. This may involve communicating regularly with the carriers to stay updated on any potential delays or issues in the shipping process. By maintaining a proactive approach with carriers, sellers can enhance the overall shipping experience for their customers

How Long Do Sellers on eBay Have to Ship: FAQs

  • 1. How long after payment does eBay seller have to ship?

    eBay requires sellers to ship items within 30 days of receiving payment. However, sellers may risk having seller defects on their records if they fail to ship within the handling time specified in the listing’s shipping details.

  • 2. What happens if eBay item is not shipped after 3 days?

    If the handling time is set to 3 days, the seller must ship the item within that timeframe. Failure to do so may result in a red overdue notification next to the order information. In such a scenario, buyers can contact the seller or eBay and request a full refund, citing the seller’s inability to ship the item on time. Additionally, if the seller consistently fails to meet handling time requirements, they may receive penalties from eBay, such as account restrictions or suspension.

  • 3. Who pays for shipping when selling on eBay?

    The responsibility for paying shipping costs typically falls on the buyer when purchasing items on eBay. However, some sellers may offer free shipping as an incentive to attract buyers. In such cases,  they will cover the shipping costs themselves or include the shipping costs in the total cost.


Now you know everything about how long do eBay sellers have to ship. Your job is to be realistic with shipping estimates; don’t promise 1-2 day shipping if it takes a week. As an eBay seller, even one negative feedback can damage your reputation. To maintain a positive rating, let’s follow the best handling and shipping practices. 

If you have more questions related to selling on eBay, feel free to contact us. For more helpful guides on eCommerce, check our Blog to explore more!

This post was last modified on Oct 2024 8:31 am

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